(714) 582-1715

Kendrick Garage Door Repair

With a legacy of more than a decade, we are not just another local business; our family-owned operation is dedicated to creating strong connections with our customers.

We understand how crucial an efficient and reliable garage door is for your home or commercial establishment. That's why every service call - be it repairs on broken springs or new installations - receives utmost attention from our skilled professionals who prioritize safety and quality above all else.

(714) 582-1715

A Tradition of Excellence

Kendrick has earned its reputation by consistently delivering top-notch services across various models of Anaheim's garage doors. This commitment towards excellence doesn't come easy but stems from hard work, keen attention to detail, understanding customer needs, and ensuring their satisfaction at each step along the way.The cornerstone of our approach lies in never compromising on quality when securing homes with robust custom-designed garage doors installed meticulously using high-grade materials which ensure durability without sacrificing aesthetics.

Solutions Tailored For You

No matter what your specific requirement might be - whether you need residential services like repairing damaged panels, broken springs, etc., or require commercial-grade solutions, Kendrick offers comprehensive packages tailored according to individual needs while maintaining affordable pricing structures so everyone can benefit from exceptional offerings. We even offer maintenance services aimed at keeping doors operating optimally, thereby enhancing security and convenience alike. So next time if you ever face issues related to the Anaheim hills pro series or any other model, remember: we've got you covered promptly and efficiently.

Your Satisfaction Is Our Priority

Beyond offering professional same-day responses seven days a week, our workflow revolves around achieving complete customer satisfaction from the start to the finish of the project. After all, the goal isn't simply fixing/installing garage door- it's creating experiences worth remembering through prompt resolutions of concerns about cost, delay, necessary replacements/repairs by providing free estimates upfront, with no surprises later, plus ensuring quick and effective results whenever needed most. We are here to lend a hand and make your days more effortless - one step at a time, because you merit it.

Revamp, Restore, Reassure!

When it comes to garage door repair Anaheim, Kendrick Garage Door Repair is your go-to expert. We use top-quality parts for all makes and models, offer a broad range of inventory from multiple manufacturers, and provide fast repairs without compromising performance. Our certified technicians are trained across various brands ensuring efficient service every time.

Kendrick Garage Door Repair

(714) 582-1715

BUSINESS HOURS: Sun-Sat 8:00am - 8:00 pm